Looking for information on top rope and lead climbing in the Los Angeles area? Look no further! You can learn what top roping and lead climbing are, their differences, and more!

Pictured: climbers top roping on the turkey leg wall
If you’re in the Los Angeles area and are interested in learning how to top rope climb or brush up on your top rope skills, look no further! Sender One LAX has one of the most versatile top rope climbing walls for athletes of all skill levels. Learn more about Sender One LAX top rope climbing below.
What is Top Rope?
Top rope climbing is a great way for beginners to learn how to climb, although it doesn’t come without challenges for more expert climbers looking to hone their skill. Climbers have a rope connected to their harness which runs through an anchor at the top of the route and back down to a certified belayer at the bottom of the wall. As you climb, the belayer will tighten slack and thus limit the distance you fall should you lose hold of the wall.
Why Top Rope at Sender One LAX?
With countless route options on our renowned walls, top rope climbing at Sender One LAX is great for climbers at any skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn or an experienced climber preparing for an upcoming trip, we have ideal routes that will suit your needs.
Climbing Guidelines
In order to top rope climb at Sender One LAX, everyone MUST have a Sender One Top Rope Belay Card visible on their harness whenever they are belaying. The top rope belay check requirements include:
- Tie in correctly with a figure-8 follow-through knot backed up with a double overhand knot (sometimes referred to as a fisherman’s knot or double fisherman’s knot)
- Correctly operate a Petzl GriGri 2 belay device
Please note that we require climbers use the PBUS (pull, brake, under, slide) style of belaying
This class will teach you how to tie into the rope as a climber, top rope belay using a GriGri, use climbing commands and perform checks to minimize risk while climbing. After completing this course, you will be able to climb independently at Sender One.
Cost: $39 for non-members/ Free for members
Duration: 1 hour
Prerequisites: No experience required
Age requirement: 14 years of age and over
Includes: Rental equipment and day pass
If you’ve ever visit Sender One in Los Angeles, you’ve likely seen all seen all sorts of climbing practices as members enjoy bouldering and top rope climbing. Chances are you’ve also seen lead climbers make their way up the wall, clipping

Pictured: climber leading up the iconic torch
What is Lead Climbing?
Top rope climbing is a great way for beginners to learn how to climb, although it doesn’t come without challenges for more expert climbers looking to hone their skill. Climbers have a rope connected to their harness which runs through an anchor at the top of the route and back down to a certified belayer at the bottom of the wall. As you climb, the belayer will tighten slack and thus limit the distance you fall should you lose hold of the wall.
Lead climbing is a popular discipline for rock climbers for a number of reasons. Unlike top rope climbing, leading a route gives climbers more flexibility and freedom as they make their ascent. It’s an additional challenge to lead your own route, as there is no rope above to provide security or upward mobility, and many climbers feel even more accomplished when they compete a tricky route while leading.
Lead Climbing Requirements
Because lead climbing can often be a more risky means of ascending a route, at Sender One LAX we require all climbers complete a comprehensive lead and lead belay test to ensure your safety and the safety of those climbing around you. To complete the lead test, you must effectively:
- Climb a 5.10a and successfully handle a fall
- Demonstrate proper lead climbing and belaying techniques
- Use rope at least 45 meters long
- Successfully operate a Gri-Gri or Tube style (ATC) belay device
- Show how to successfully employ the PBUS (pull, brake, under, slide) style of belaying
If you already have experience top roping, and are interested in taking on a new and exciting challenge that will test your skills, check out our introduction to lead climbing! This two part class teaches participants how to lead climb and belay in two hour sessions. To take this class, top rope climbing experience is required.
Cost: $100 for members/ $125 non-members
Duration: 2 days, meeting once per week for two hours
Prerequisites: Ability to onsight 5.10b or V1, Top rope belay card
Age requirement: 14 years of age and over
Includes: Rental equipment and day pass
Please note: This class requires a minimum of two participants to run. Classes will be rescheduled if only one participant signs up.
This is a slightly condensed version of our Intro to Lead Climbing class, with a single 4 hour session that will cover everything you need to know about lead climbing and belaying. If you want to start lead climbing right away, take the faster route and book your spot in this class. Top rope climbing experience is required.
Cost: $100 for members/ $125 non-members
Duration: 4 hours
Prerequisites: Ability to onsight 5.10b or V1, Top rope belay card, 6 months climbing experience
Age requirement: 14 years of age and over
Includes: Rental equipment and day pass
Please note: This class requires a minimum of two participants to run. Classes will be rescheduled if only one participant signs up.
Sender One SNA
1441 S. Village Way
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Climbing Center and Yoga & Fitness Center
M-F: 6am - 11pm
Sat: 8am - 8pm
Sun: 8am - 8pm
Sender City - Reservations Required
M-F: 10:30am - 6:30pm
Sat-Sun: 9:30am - 6:30pm
(last session begins at 5:30pm)
Sender One & Sender City SNA
(714) 881-3456
[email protected]
Groups & Parties
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