Welcome to Sender One’s Sendemic Series!
Every person is experiencing something different during this unexpected time in our lives. We want to share your perspectives by featuring stories, essays, art, small businesses, and more from our very own community.
If you’d like to share how you’re coping with covid, please fill out the submission form HERE.
This week we’re highlighting a long time staff member who has been with Sender One since the beginning - Nicola Strother! She shares nutritional advice and how she has been spending her days during isolation.
Nicola has created a set of videos available on our YouTube Channel for the community to reference for exercises and short workouts. Normally, Nicola provides personal training and HIIT classes at Sender One SNA. These videos give you a small peek at what she has to offer, so that when we reopen you can connect with her to workout in person!
1. Let's introduce you - who are you?
Hi! I'm Nicola Strother, the Yoga and Fitness Director for Sender One in Santa Ana.
2. What do you do and how long have you been at Sender One?
I joined Sender One 7 years ago and was a part of our [grand] opening team. I manage the yoga and fitness department at SNA where we offer 30 classes a week. As a certified PT, I also offer HIIT classes and personal training. In addition, I help design and equip the Sender One fitness facilities.
3. What is your favorite thing about Sender One?
The camaraderie between the staff, members, and the community. Over the years, I have seen people of all different walks of life create bonding relationships all due to meeting at Sender One.

4. What have you been doing to help cope with the current global pandemic?
From a yoga perspective, we have set up YouTube Live streaming classes which has enabled our members to connect with our instructors; as well as give our instructors a platform to instruct. We look forward to adding more access to our instructors via their Zoom classes in the [very near] future. From a personal training perspective, the need to understand the evolving world of technology has been thrust upon me. All of my training is now done via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp. I have had some good laughs as clients peruse their house for the heaviest bag of rice, can of paint, or dog food to hold while doing squats. I have also had to become quite inventive in the style of training so that is now accessible to most people. It has been incredibly rewarding to run a High Intensity Class with four different people doing different exercises on four split screens. I have also created YouTube videos for anyone to view. These workouts require zero equipment. They do require that you are healthy and smart about following new exercise programs.

5. What advice do you have for the Sender One Community during this time?
My advice for the community is to practice self distancing. Your choices affect the world. Only by doing our part will we be able to slow this virus down. However, community is important, and so is your health. Contact your friends via social media or an outlet where you can connect. Keep healthy and training but at a distance.
6. What nutritional advice do you have for the Sender One Community while they are are home?
My nutritional advice is to also practice self distancing from the refrigerator. You cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet. Right now, I even find myself "grazing". I am not hungry, but I open the refrigerator hoping to see something different. BUT, however-small it may be, a bite is a bite and a calorie is a calorie. If you think you are hungry, drink some water and set a timer for 15 minutes. Leave the kitchen and read a book or do some exercises. If you are still hungry (really, hungry), when the timer goes off, then slice up an apple or cook a hard boiled egg. Snacking can lead to extra weight gain during this time.

7. What is your favorite at-home recipe to cook?
Blackened Salmon with Quinoa and Snap Peas. Pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees, take your salmon out of the refrigerator about 10 minutes before you cook it, and season both sides with any type of blackening, Cajun or lemon pepper seasoning. Take a pan that has a metal handle or a cast iron skillet, and heat it on the stove. Lightly spray with Olive oil. I don't put too much in because often the salmon is oily enough. Put the salmon in the pan and cook for 5 minutes on medium-high heat. After 5 minutes, turn the salmon over and put the pan in the oven. Set a timer for 5 more minutes. The salmon should come out nicely. Be very careful with the handle as you take it out of the oven. You can always take a knife and poke it through to make sure the salmon has cooked through. For the snap peas, take some garlic cloves and slice them and put aside with a bag of snap peas. Just before the salmon is transferred to the oven, turn up the heat to med-high on a new non-stick pan and lightly drizzle with olive oil. Add the garlic slices, snap peas, salt and pepper and sauté until the garlic and snap peas turn slightly brown. For the quinoa (follow directions on the packet :)). Add a squeeze of lemon to the salmon and you are good to go.
8. What can the Sender One Community gain from watching the videos you've provided on our YouTube Channel?
The videos that I have created for the Sender One Community will enable anyone to do a 15-20 minute workout in their own home without equipment. A couple of the videos are more high intensity and include jumping, so I would definitely listen to your body. Muscular fatigue is okay, sharp pains are NOT okay. If you aren't used to cardio based training, take it slowly or follow the low-impact video which gives more options. The other videos will give you variations for current routines so you don't get bored - or, so your body doesn't get used to doing the same thing. We want to trick your body so it keeps adapting and creating new neurological pathways.
9. Anything else you'd like to share?
I hope everyone enjoys the videos, and I would love feedback as I can cater a workout to any age or ability. Please be safe during this time. Your integrity is what will help us get through this so we can all be back in the gym climbing, training, or taking yoga and mat pilates classes together soon. Thank you!

If you'd like to learn more about Nicola and her expertise on fitness and nutrition, check out her website!