Sender One Staff Updates + Resources - Sender One Climbing

Staff Updates + Resources

Please refer to this page for updates and resources during our facility closure. We are here to help.
This page will be consistently updated so long that we have new information to share with our staff.

Unemployment Help

We've provided assistance for filing unemployment. View the link below for instructions and important links. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
[email protected]

Employee Assistance

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Art and Jeffrey via phone. They are available during the following timeframes:
Jeffrey: 12:00pm - 2:00pm (M-F)
Art: 2:00pm - 4:00pm (M-F)
Phone Number: (323) 380-9792‬

You may also fill out this form below.

Connect with Staff

Stay connect with staff via Discord (thanks Corey!) or join Anni for a Cup of Positivitea Monday - Friday.

Join Anni via Zoom for a place to connect and share the good things that are happening.
Monday - Friday from 3:00-3:30pm

Meeting ID: 950 493 0815

Weekly Updates

For updates on the status of our facilities, you can follow our Instagram and Facebook.
In addition, Jeff will be posting weekly updates on this page for you to reference.

Week of 05/10 - 05/16:

  • Staff Updates Page: Please be advised, I will continue to add updates until May 22nd, 2020. The page will stay up until then and will be removed a few days after the 22nd. If you have any additional questions or would like any updates, please reach out to me at [email protected]. In addition, I highly encourage you to follow the Sender One social media pages for updates as well. Please see below for reoccurring questions I have received in the last two days.


Do I have to return my uniforms?

  • No, you can keep the uniforms you currently have.

What do I do with my log ins?

  • If you have a company email or account, please change the password to the Master password "P......!"
  • Basecamp: You can still keep using Basecamp for your personal use if you used a personal email. In order to do so, you must remove yourself from "Sender One." Log in to Basecamp and click on your initials on the top right hand corner. Click on "My Profile" and scroll to the very bottom. Click on the hyperlink, "Remove me from this account..."

What if I have a company credit card?

  • If you have a company credit card, you can shred it. The only card you must send/bring back is if you have a Costco card.


Email us at [email protected]

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