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Featured Member: Michael Doan

Featured Member: Michael Doan

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Words by Crystal Tan & Michael Doan

Here at Sender One, we value our members and the growing community we climb with. We thought it would be a great idea to start having a featured member each month! You can nominate yourself or someone you think deserves to be featured. Each featured member will get 4 punch passes that never expire and can be used for a friend! A nomination form can be found on the Community Board in the hallway.

The featured member for the month of August went to Michael Doan! Below is a little Q&A with Michael about climbing, yoga, and life outside of the gym.


Photo by Crystal Tan

Why do you love climbing and/or yoga?
“All my life I’ve been into physical activities and involved in team sports like track and water polo. After college, I couldn’t compete or be involved anymore so I started weight lifting. Weight lifting became repetitive and boring, so I found climbing! I love climbing because it is a game/puzzle to me and you get to meet so many people. It is an individual activity, but at the same time you are climbing with other people. I enjoy the physical challenge of it. I always felt like yoga was too feminine, but once I tried it I realized it takes a lot of physical strength and energy. I found that I was lacking flexibility and mobile range. I love yoga because it really calms me down. I’ve found a sense of ease and flow.”13908953_10154074254753153_2377045966162957705_o

What are some other activities you do outside of climbing?
“I work in cosmetics. I’ve always been a very scientific and logic thinker. I formulate beauty products, I’m a chemist!”

Tell us something that would surprise most people.
“I have a hard time answering this question because I’m pretty much an open book. I hide nothing, haha.”

What would your super power be?
“I would be an Earth Bender, because I like climbing on rocks……”


Photo by Crystal Tan




Would you rather be attacked by a bear of stung by a swarm of bees?
“A bear. Yep.”

What products do you use in your hair and how is the miantenance?
"Dove Conditioner Nourishing Oil Care. For shampoo, I avoid anything that contains ingredients that cause lots of bubbling such as sulfate which tend to dry the scalp (LOL). It takes me about 20-30 minutes just to condition and shampoo. I also use coconut oil on my ends before bedtime."

Check back for September's Featured Member!

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