Kristin Okamoto
the content
Devan Gutierrez
the contentDevan started climbing in 2011 at a gym called Rock City in Anaheim, CA. He very quickly fell in love with the sport and once he finally took his headphones out at the gym, he realized that the community was what would steal his heart and keep him coming back. This, like many of us, was the start of a complete life take-over. In 2012 Devan began routesetting at his home gym. He began to become obsessed with this art form and the idea that he could create something that manipulates the way everyone moves on the wall. Soon, he would be falling asleep thinking about how he could "force" or "encourage" a certain move/body position. This became an addiction, just as much as climbing itself. Devan hasn't looked back since then and has been working at Sender One since 2017. If you can't tell by reading this, he loves talking about climbing and routesetting. So if you see him around the gym, don't hesitate to ask him any questions about your project or the in's and out's of this wacky sport.

Marcus LaCavera
the contentMarcus was introduced to indoor climbing during his last year of highschool in 2013; He was immediately hooked despite the torn skin and tired fingers. During his time at UCSB, Marcus discovered his love of routesetting, helped found the school's climbing team, and eventually stumbled upon an online listing for a setting position at Sender One. Nowadays, Marcus splits his time between setting, getting lost in Black Mountain, and playing too many video games.

Mike Rohsler
the contentMike grew up in climbing gyms and participated on climbing teams in New Jersey with his older brother. The incredible images of Southern California rock climbing plastered around the gym and in magazines set the destination for him. Twenty years of climbing, and nine years of routesetting later he arrived at Sender One, more psyched than ever to showcase his creativity to this community.