Crystal Tan, Author at Sender One Climbing - Page 5 of 19
RGPro Connect App Guide

RGPro Connect App Guide

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What the heck is this RGPro Connect App we keep talking about? We're here to help you navigate through the mobile app that many climbing centers are using for booking climbing reservations, managing your booking, and more. Below you'll find a step-by-step guide with visuals on how to use the RGPro Connect App specifically for Sender One!

Getting Started:

1. Download the RGProConnect App from the App Store or Google Play.

2. Open the app and search for your facility: Sender One SNA or LAX

3. Create an account and log in.
*TIP* The app will sometimes automatically default a specific location. To change locations, click the three lines on the top left-hand corner and select "Facility" to choose the desired location.

4. From the main screen of your chosen facility, select an action:
+ My Recent Online Bookings
+ Book Intro Class
+ Latest Climbs Set


Check-in Barcode

Members can link their unique member account ID to the app, making check-in easy using your phone. Visit a Customer Experience Specialist at the front desk to get your mobile barcode set up. The Member Barcode can be found on the bottom right-hand corner of the app.

Convenient Bookings

Since we currently require reservations to visit Sender One LAX and SNA, the app provides a quick and simple way to make bookings. Click "Reserve a Session" from your selected location's main page to book.

Easy Cancellation

Can't make a session? Canceling your reservation from the app is hassle-free and opens up those spots for others to book. Click "My Recent Online Bookings" to select which reservation to cancel.

Quick Access to Important Links

We've added some external links that can be conveniently accessed from the app like our Digital Health Screening and requests for changes to your Membership.
Reminder: The Digital Health Screening must be completed no more than 1-hour before your session! The app is a great and quick way to access the health questionnaire.
A diagram showing the phone application and its features with arrows pointing to the features. The features include: easy cancellation, convenient bookings, quick access to links, and a check-in barcode.
Women of Sender One: Part 2

Women of Sender One: Part 2

the content

We are incredibly fortunate to work with a solid group of women who not only align with our core values but are mentors and leaders. To the women of Sender One, the managers, gym staff, and yoga instructors, we are inspired by you -- a unique bunch where some are moms, sisters, artists, runners, aerialists, and even an ex-stunt double. Thank you for your passion, kindness, teamwork, and authenticity!

In this two-part blog series and in light of Women’s History Month, we asked a few questions to some of the women at Sender One. Find out who they look up to, discover recommendations for women-focused books/films/podcasts, and take in some thoughtful advice.

Check out Women of Sender One: Part 1 here.

Meet some of the ladies behind our company roles at Sender One HQ!

Alice Kao

Co-Founder, CEO
w/ Sender One since the beginning, before there was a Sender One.

Women who inspire you:
My aunt Ellie, a polio survivor. The left side of her body is paralyzed but she learned to walk with metal braces and crutches. I lived with her for 4 years when I was in elementary school and every night I would massage her back; she has severe scoliosis from the muscle imbalance.

Her condition didn't stop her from living a full life! She ran a gift shop business for 10 years and had a 2nd career as a tour guide. She's travelled to over 30 countries. In her retirement, she completed her high school and college degree.

I can't wait to visit her in Taiwan when we are able to travel again. My kids will love going on rides with her on her 3-wheeled motorcycle.

Favorite women-focused recommendations
Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
Advice for women & young girls
Don't be fearless, be courageous.

Being courageous is to put your whole heart into the world and on the line, even knowing what it might cost you.

Being courageous is to have that conversation even if you're afraid of what the other person might say.

Being courageous is to deeply apologize when you make a mistake.

Always choose courage over fear.

Dersa Cyr

Finance Manager
w/ Sender One since 2013

Women who inspire you:
The women on our team. They are all awesome women that strive for growth and improvement. They support each other like no other team I have been a part of. I have learned so much from strong women at Sender One.
Favorite women-focused recommendations
Girl Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis
anything by Brene Brown
Advice for women & young girls
Be kind to yourself, always. We are our own biggest critique.
Learn to take risks to achieve your greatest goals.
Embrace failure not as a negative but instead as an opportunity to grab hold of a lesson and press on.
Be grateful.

Caitlyn Volkman

Merch. Manager, Buyer
w/ Sender One since 2016

Women who inspire you:
Elizabeth Warren, Ashley Fiolek, Stacey Abrams. The strong, smart, capable, and resilient women I work with every day at Sender One. I've been inspired by each and every one of these women in the years I've worked alongside them.
Favorite women-focused recommendations
She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton
Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o
Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
These books really connected with and inspired my two little girls, and really moved me in turn.

Muna, Broods, Chvrches, Girl in Red - strong women making music that resonates and empowers me.

Advice for women & young girls
Discover and love your authentic self. Even when it's hard or scary, be true to yourself. Never stop learning. Be humble and teachable when you make mistakes, and then move forward!

Crystal Tan

Brand Marketing Manager
w/ Sender One since 2015

Women who inspire you:
First and foremost - my mom. She's supported all my crazy ideas while giving me wholesome, direct advice. She's never let me down and continues to be the strongest woman in my life. I am also constantly inspired by the women I am surrounded by in climbing and at work. These women are kind, honest, understanding, authentic, all-around badasses, and just truly incredible. I am always learning from them.
Favorite women-focused recommendations
Maya Angelou, Rupi Kaur, Roxanne Gay, Angela Davis, Toni Morrison

The Hey, Girl Podcast by Alex Elle and Life Kit by NPR (not all women-focused, but some great, practical tips for life!)

Nina Simone, Florence and the Machine, Beyonce, Cat Power, Ella Fitzgerald

Advice for women & young girls
Stay present. Celebrate and thank yourself always. There is no "right way" to be a woman. We all have different experiences and that's completely ok. You know best what you are going through. We're all together in this thing called life so it's important to be supportive, kind, to listen, and to always be learning.

Nicole Pate

Director of Gym Operations
w/ Sender One since 2013

Women who inspire you:
I feel lucky to be in a time where there are so many inspiring women to look up to. Since becoming a mom, the women that have inspired me most are other moms. I have friends and family that are working moms (some Sender One moms too!) and stay-at-home moms, and without all of their advice and support, I think my first year and a half as a parent would have been impossible. They have helped me become and be an amazing mom to my daughter while keeping my identity as a climber, leader, friend, yogi, artist, etc. Also, Serena winning the Australian Open while pregnant was a huge inspiration for me to keep climbing while pregnant and to start back up postpartum.
Favorite women-focused recommendations
I love ESPN's 30 for 30 documentary and podcast series. They are not all women-focused, but there are some really inspiring women-focused episodes --"On The Ice", "Back Pass", and "Six Who Sat"
Advice for women & young girls
Be kind to yourself and others. Support and lift up those around you. If you want to see change, don't wait for someone else to do it, you make it happen.

Nicola Strother

Director of Yoga & Fitness
w/ Sender One since 2012

Women who inspire you:
My mom (just because she is amazing), my dad (Kate) who is transgender. Kate lived the first 70 years of her life in the "wrong body" and was expected to live up to certain stereotypes. She is now living her life to the fullest in New Zealand as the person she was meant to be. Defying any gender roles, redefining life, and breaking boundaries. My co-workers because they lift me up and support me in being learning to be the best that I can.
Favorite women-focused recommendations
West with the Night by Beryl Markham
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
Advice for women & young girls
Be you! Let the small things go. You live once, so live it to the fullest.

Women of Sender One: Part 1

Women of Sender One: Part 1

the content

We are incredibly fortunate to work with a solid group of women who not only align with our core values but are mentors and leaders. To the women of Sender One, the managers, gym staff, and yoga instructors, we are inspired by you -- a unique bunch where some are moms, sisters, artists, runners, aerialists, and even an ex-stunt double. Thank you for your passion, kindness, teamwork, and authenticity!

In this two-part blog series and in light of Women’s History Month, we asked a few questions to some of the women at Sender One. Find out who they look up to, discover recommendations for women-focused books/films/podcasts, and take in some thoughtful advice.

Check out Women of Sender One: Part 2 here.

Now, here are some of our wonderful ladies from Sender One SNA and LAX!

Jordan Terry

LAX Gym Manager
w/ Sender One since 2016

Women who inspire you:
There are some spectacular well-known women who inspire me (RBG, AOC, Georgia O'Keefe, Frida) but honestly, I draw most of my inspiration from the amazing women I spend my day-to-day with. Since I started at Sender One I've been truly uplifted by the women in leadership at this company. It would be a dream if someone told me I was a little bit like Alice, a little bit like Nicole, Morgan, Crystal, Michelle & so on. The woman I want to be is one that draws from the strengths (& weaknesses) of these truly incredible women I have the honor to work with. They are the best teachers & partners I could have ever asked for. Also, my daughter is my reason for everything.
Favorite women-focused recommendations

The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
Anything Barbara Kingsolver or Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Beyonce, Jessie Ware & Lianne La Havas when you need a musical boost

Advice for women & young girls
It's okay to be your totally weird authentic self. It's what makes you special (even when it also makes you cringe). Own who you are, keep your heart open to growing, value yourself highly, and advocate for yourself always. You are perfect!

Morgan Sander

SNA Gym Manager
w/ Sender One since 2015

Women who inspire you:
I am surrounded by amazing women who exemplify what it means to follow your passions through your career - in particular, my mom and my sister, my students, and the team of incredible women I get to work with daily. As leaders in education, sports, and the outdoor and climbing industry, their drive, compassion, and grit lead them to accomplish whatever they set out for.
Favorite women-focused recommendations
The Artist Athlete Podcast
Advice for women & young girls
If you try to follow someone else's path through life, it's like trying to force a puzzle piece into space where it doesn't quite fit. Step off someone's else path and embrace what makes you, YOU. Your path is yours.

Michelle Mitchell

LAX Programs Manager
w/ Sender One since 2017

Women who inspire you:
I'm inspired by all female athletes, whether they're weekend warriors or professionals. Here are a few of the women that I constantly look up to Mia Hamm and pretty much the entire US women’s soccer team. Serena Williams. Courtney Dauwalter. Allyson Felix. Alexi Pappas. Beth Rodden. All of these women continue to demonstrate leadership, grace, humility, and commitment in and out of their sport. They inspire me daily to carry myself in a similar manner in hopes of passing these values on to the next generation of athletes.
Favorite women-focused recommendations

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb
Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo
Bravey by Alexi Pappas

Advice for women & young girls
You are capable of more than you think. You can be on the field, court, wall, and track; you can be in the research lab and on the leadership team. You can do it. Don't let others set limitations for you. You’re not too small. You’re not too weak. You’re not unladylike. Dream big, work hard, be nice to people. Make it count.

Laurel Melton

SNA Youth Program
w/ Sender One since 2019

Women who inspire you:

I'm inspired by all the incredible young women that I coach. I get to see them show up to practice every day and work hard to achieve their goals and break through their physical and mental barriers. I am so proud of the supportive and encouraging team environment that they help create.

Favorite women-focused recommendations

Climbing Free by Lynn Hill
What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer

Masterbeta Ladies Podcast

Advice for women & young girls

Never let anyone tell you that you don't belong in this sport. Appreciate your body and recognize its strengths; your climbing style will likely be different than that of your male peers, but that is not a bad thing! Use those differences to your advantage and develop the more technical side of your climbing--I think you'll be surprised by what you can accomplish.

Alisha Vasquez

SNA Youth Coach, Yoga & Climbing Instructor
w/ Sender One since 2015

Women who inspire you:
I'm inspired by all the super-strong female crushers in our sport who are continuously proving that women can climb as hard as men. I'm also inspired by female athletes of every sport who challenge the stereotypes, expectations, and limitations placed on women.
Favorite women-focused recommendations

Climbing Free by Lynn Hill

Free Woman by Lady Gaga

Pretty Strong

Advice for women & young girls
It takes hard work to overcome the stories that have been ingrained in us about how women should look, think, and act. It's an ongoing process to unlearn all the "shoulds," but it's important work because becoming your authentic self is invaluable.

Anni Nguyen

SNA CX Specialist, Youth Coach, Community Coord.
w/ Sender One since 2015

Women who inspire you:
I am so fortunate to be surrounded by strong, inspiring, and loving women. They include my mother, my sister, my coworkers, and my friends. They have inspired me to show up in life, for myself and for others. I have been given such love and support throughout many changing phases of my life. They show up and I am so blessed to be loved by them. There are too many awesome women to count that have touched me. You know who you are and I'm grateful for you.
Favorite women-focused recommendations

Untamed by Glennon Doyle and Girl
Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis

I Choose You by Alessia Clare
Sorry, Not Sorry by Demi Lovato

Penelope with Christina Ricci
Amelie with Audrey Tautou

Advice for women & young girls
Be you and show up.
Plan your work and work your plan.
Don't "should" all over yourself.
Love greatly and always be kind.

Devan Roper

SNA CX Specialist, Youth Coach
w/ Sender One since 2019

Women who inspire you:
I am inspired by my Mom who fought through stage three colon cancer a couple of years ago. She has had multiple surgeries that changed her body a lot but she has stayed grateful and loving through it all. I hope to be that strong someday.
Favorite women-focused recommendations

Pretty Strong


Advice for women & young girls

My advice would be to slow down and appreciate what you have in the present. There is always a little bit of good to be found, when I am feeling really beat up from the world I try to take a step back and just look at what I have and say "this is enough."

Women’s History Month: Support Women-Owned Businesses

Women’s History Month: Support Women-Owned Businesses

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We hope you've enjoyed our blogs in celebration of Women's History Month! We're wrapping up by sharing this list of women-owned businesses.

Indulge yourself in a savory or sweet treat prepared by talented female chefs. Rock some of the sweetest climbing fashions on the market. Deck your home in stylish, sustainable designs. Make yourself a priority with body and mind therapies. 

The following shortlist of women-owned businesses can help you do all that and more. Check them out and explore the magic that women create in our world!


Blackmarket Bakery

Santa Ana, CA
Costa Mesa, CA
San Diego, CA

Eat an Apple Butter Pop-Tart and you will taste scratch-made Apple Butter, zesty spices, and buttery pie dough.  Try our Flourless Walnut Mudslide Cookie and you will taste the 5 ingredients - Walnuts, Cocoa Powder, Powdered Sugar, Egg Whites, and Vanilla.  We believe in using all-natural, authentic ingredients. By using classical procedures, our food gets to be the best version of itself.

Perla Mexican Cuisine

Santa Ana, CA

Perla Mexican Cuisine is a women-owned business. Under the leadership of a mother-daughter duo, the restaurant offers family recipes that bring the most authentic flavors of Mexican dishes that represent various regions of the country. They have created the menu hoping to transport customers to magic corners of Mexico while maintaining a homemade charm to every dish.

Scopa Italian Roots

Venice, CA

Chef Antonia Lofaso’s interpretation of old-school Italian food reminds us of the home we left in the boroughs of New York. Our love for the simplicity of fresh ingredients complimenting each other perfectly is what has inspired us to create a restaurant that honors our Italian traditions. At Scopa, we aim to bring people together with timeless Italian dishes and exceptional service that conveys sincere appreciation for the neighborhood’s continued patronage.

The Source Cafe

Hermosa Beach, CA
Manhattan Beach, CA

Chef Amber believes that food nourishes us from the inside out. Her belief in the rejuvenating and restorative powers of fresh, whole, nutritious food has made her unique artisanal foods cafe a must-stop space. Each dish she creates is a sexy and healthy take on natural foods. Amber loves to find the simple yet delicious and nutritious alternatives to old favorites that anyone, especially those with dietary restrictions and health challenges, can enjoy.


Static Climbing

Your gear is made with the most earth-friendly, fun, and authentic materials we can source like our locally bought Organic Lavender that is added to each of our products to give it that unique finish. Since 2014 our chalk bags and buckets have been handmade down to the last stitch in San Diego, CA and we are stoked to keep growing with you.

Tiny Holds

Tiny Holds are handcrafted rock climbing accessories for the obsessed climber. Each hold is individually hand-sculpted and crafted together by Tiny Me [Britney]!

Dynamite Starfish

We offer our designs on t-shirts and tanks, which are carefully chosen for softness, comfort, and the least environmental impact. All our tees are screen-printed by hand (most times by the artist/owner) in Los Angeles, California.

Comfortable Adventures

Our mission is to produce low-impact, high comfort hemp goods for modern outdoors womxn in the pursuit of comfortable adventure.



Whether visiting online or in-person, our locally-owned boutique caters to the thoughtful shopper with its unique selection of stylish and functional designer pieces that take fair labor, affordability, and sustainability into consideration. Owner Sonia McMoran selects each item that makes it into the shop, from global finds made in Senegal, Rwanda, and Turkey, to small-batch goods handcrafted locally.

The Sill

Plants make us happier, healthier, more efficient, and boost our creativity. They even clean the air we breathe. But all our modern city-living has us indoors a lot. So we thought: why not bring the outdoors in? We think everyone deserves to have their own personal plant oasis. And, we think finding your new plant should be, well, easy.



Fueled by nature's natural high, Erin began traveling the world witnessing fragile ecosystems while uncovering her own truths that called for a toolkit of products to protect both herself and the environment naturally.  Prone to inflammation CBD became essential in maintaining her daily well-being as well as using a natural suncare regimen that was reef safe and non-toxic. Created with balance in mind, it was from these explorations that Out-dôrz Adventure Care came to be.

Saged App

Saged is your resource center for Earth-based teachings and practices. We have collected the best hands-on, bite-sized advice to help you incorporate spirituality, self-care, and mindfulness in your busy life. We are working with the best “Sages”, practitioners and professionals that will help improve your quality of life and expand your awareness.


For Women's History Month, Sender One is donating 25% of net proceeds from the Sender One online store to The Loveland Foundation. This foundation is committed to "showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls. [Their] resources and initiatives are collaborative and they prioritize opportunity, access, validation, and healing."

Sender One LAX to Host 2021 Paraclimbing World Cup

Sender One LAX to Host 2021 Paraclimbing World Cup

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We are overjoyed to announce that our Los Angeles location, Sender One LAX, will be hosting the 2021 Paraclimbing World Cup this October 9th and 10th. Specifically, this event will be the third Paraclimbing World Cup as part of a series with the two other world cup events held in Innsbruck, Austria, and Briançon, France.

Despite the impacts of the pandemic, we will always be thankful for the opportunity to host the Pan American Championships in early 2020. These special and unique events not only celebrate and support the growth of competition climbing but are inspiring moments that we can share with the climbing community.

Look out for more information about the 2021 Paraclimbing World Cup at Sender One LAX

Read the full press release from USA Climbing and the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC).

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